I felt like death warmed up, but I went ahead and did it anyway.
The vibrant photo that you see in this blog is a classic case of “fake it til you make it”. Now I don’t normally subscribe to that theory as I feel we need to be much more intentional than merely winging it.
On the day of this photo shoot though I was not well. Covid* precisely. Yet I had made a commitment to the photographer, the studio and to myself that I would be shooting my new look images on that day. We got through it. I was slooooow, my brain was not connecting with my body and I was very wobbly on my feet. Thank you, Shae for getting the best out of me.
Which brings me to my word of the year RICH.
You may have seen my December post Your Time to Thrive is in 2025, where I wrote about setting your goals and your intention for this year.
Doing the exercise myself I set the intention and goal to be RICH. Rich to me is not only about money and wealth – although that is important. For me it is also an acronym.
You also may want to be rich this year so take a look at these intentions.
R – Relationships
Building business relationships with people is where many of your opportunities will come from. Through a connection that led to a referral I enjoyed a consulting project last year that was not in the “pipeline”.
You understand that business comes from people, through people and to people. Communication is what links us, and it is connection and collaboration with co-workers, clients, friends, family, neighbours, community and professional bodies that help to build rapport, belong and be in harmony with each other.
I – Intention
Do what you say you are going to do. That is the simple approach. But behind the commitment is the intention. My intention this year is to refresh my brand and image in alignment with a revised vision of my business.
I could have postponed the photo shoot but having decided on that goal I wanted to keep to it. It’s part of the bigger vision and often we need to decide the reasoning behind the action. Sometimes you might need to look closer to the core of who you are and what you stand for – and what it is you really want. Once you are realigned with your vision, the next step is to set your intention and take a step-by-step approach to reach that positive outcome.
C – Cash
It is important in business to have positive cash flow and profit. Positive prosperity is also an intention of mine. I want security and freedom to make choices.
I enjoy my work but I know I won’t be able to do it forever, so I am working toward a much more positive money mindset. I choose to learn more about money stories and how our background issues may affect our current thinking, I don’t put my head in the sand (anymore) and choose to get good financial advice. All this will help with that rich intention. I want prosperity but I also like to give back as I believe that what goes around comes around.
H – Health
Well having Covid for a few weeks didn’t help, but it is interesting when you can’t do anything much that you set your priorities on what is important. During that time, I would do only one thing a day – if that – and I made it the most important thing on the agenda.
No socials, turned off my phone and had the out of office on my computer. This is something I will take into 2025 that it is okay to take time out. I am usually healthy and am working toward full fitness after surgery during the year also. Those travel plans coming up will require a lot of walking!
Let me know what your rich intention is.
* The virus I had was allegedly Covid. I was well past any contagious stage, not putting others at risk.
Read more about intention and vision in The Secret to Your Personal Brand Revolution. Get Your Free eBook Now!
Sue Currie is an image entrepreneur who guides and empowers business leaders and entrepreneurs to have “Spotlight Confidence”. She is passionate about helping professionals elevate their personal and professional brand through her speaking, coaching and training programs on Self Brand, Style and Speaking Skills, providing a multi-faceted approach to gain high transformation for her clients.