A catchy headline may work but generally driving visitors to your website can be a challenge. Yes, I do have a new website; www.SueCurrie.com.au and like most of you in business a website is an essential element to your public relations mix. It can create attention for you, your products or services. But how can we create some website buzz so it boosts our brand and business? What can you do to get people to click on your site so it is working for you?
Well you could incorporate some public relations activity. One aspect of PR is publicity and stories in the media are very effective but you won't get one for your website unless you have a new idea, controversial story or sensational aspect to your website, something groundbreaking, unusual or completely different. Get the idea?
Some story ideas: Are you the first to use this technology? Have you made a huge sale through your website? Is this a brand new idea that is going gang-busters? Does your website help or benefit people in any way? Are you running a unique online competition or survey? Have you a heart-warming personal story to tell?
My point is that you need to have a point.
Let me give you an example of publicity that was designed specifically to attract people to a travel website Zuji.com.au.
When the online travel company launched in Australia, what they did was implement a publicity campaign to drive traffic to their website. It was a simple idea really. They put together on online competition asking people to write in their travel secrets of their favourite destinations throughout the world and they could win a valuable travel prize. They told the media about it and although a simple idea it captured the attention of the travel media.
Consequently the media promoted the competition quite heavily resulting in many visitors to the Zuji website. And of course it involved real people telling their own stories so the human interest element worked. It worked brilliantly for the company. Firstly they were successful in getting lots of free publicity from the competition and they also collected the email addresses of all of the people that visited their website and opted in. Plus they captured some really interesting stories and content to put on their site. So an online competition works well but you do need tell the media about it.
Once you've developed a good newsworthy story you’ll need to contact the relevant journalists who will help you reach your target market. Don't contact everyone, just the media that are appropriate to you and your product.
Contact them by sending a media release (it of course includes your website address) or just telephone them. Research your target media by checking out the newspapers, magazines, online blogs, radio and wherever else your competitors are being featured.
Another way to publicise your website is to put your domain address everywhere. Anytime you do send out a media release or blogs, posts to your social media followers, a newsletter or write a letter to a potential client or sponsor an event, not only is it important to put your name on everything but put your website address there as well.
So for instance you might have some fantastic caps or t-shirts designed for your business that you want people to wear that look great and effective and but why not on the back of that cap put your domain name. Everywhere that you communicate, put your web address. Include on your voice mail, stickers, business cards, your car, caps, t-shirts on everything!
Sue Currie is a speaker, author, consultant and educator recognised as an authority on personal branding to boost image, profile, brand and business. Through her workshops, professional development programs and brand consulting, Sue help businesses and entrepreneurs position and present an impactful professional brand.