Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Set Your Goals to Shine in 2024

Set Your Goals to Shine in 2024

As the year comes to a close – can you believe it is nearly over? I hope you enjoy the end of year work celebrations and will continue the festivities with family and loved ones in the weeks to come.

During the holidays take time to enjoy their company – I know I will. Also relax and recharge and take time to reflect on your year.

I like to pause at this time of year and think back on the year that was, plan and set goals for the exciting year ahead. It has become a ritual for me and I’ve found that even if I just focus on achieving one major goal or intention it brings a wonderful sense of satisfaction when it is accomplished.

My intention for this year was to celebrate!

I did set business goals but overall, it was a year to celebrate a few personal milestones with family and friends, so I did. And it was joyous and celebratory.

I saved a picture of being joyous and celebratory on my screen saver along with other pictures and statements of how I envisioned my year both personal and in business. It is based on a principle called Feng Shui Bagua. If you’re a visual person this may be the perfect framework for you.

Or you can simply Set Your Goals to Shine in 2024 by following this guideline:

1. In 2023 what were my greatest accomplishments?

2. What were my biggest disappointments?

3. What could I have done better?

4. What was my biggest success and why?

5. What was the biggest challenge I overcame?

6. What did I learn from the questions?

7. What one thing would I do differently?

8. How can I use this information to make 2024 my best year?

9. My defeating, limiting actions that I won’t repeat this year….

10. What did I learn and what was I reminded of?

I would like to thank you for being part of my community and wish you a Merry Christmas, happy holidays and a joyous and celebratory New Year.

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Sue Currie is an image entrepreneur who guides and empowers business leaders and entrepreneurs to have “Spotlight Confidence”. She is passionate about helping professionals elevate their personal and professional brand through her speaking, coaching and training programs on Self-image, Style and Speaking Skills, providing a multi-faceted approach to gain high transformation for her clients.

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