Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Got the Winter Blues? These Five Tips Will Help You Shine

Got the Winter Blues? These Five Tips Will Help You Shine

I’m enjoying these glorious sunny, winter days. Yet winter is not over and we are supposed to be getting a bit of a cold snap here in Australia. Are you ready for it?

To help ease the winter blues and enjoy the remainder of the season, I’m sharing my top five ways to look good, feel great and … shine.

S is for Style. It’s pretty tempting grab the black pants or jeans, the cosy knit, a pair of Uggs (if you’re not at work) and stay in that uniform for as long as we can during the week. However, why not liven up your look with some colour.

A bright or light-coloured jacket, fabulous coat or jumper might be just what you need. There are still several sales on, so buy something that will take you through the rest of the season. Perhaps a scarf or two to complement your outfits or a new pair of fabulous boots. 

H is for your Hair and Skin. Both can take a beating with the cold air, so make sure you feed your hair and skin with good quality skin and hair oil and nourishing creams. Don’t forget the SPF as the sun does still shine and can be just as skin damaging in winter as in summer.

Lips will need a bit of extra TLC with constant application of lip balm. I have one that stays in my car for ongoing use. Also, hands and nails need extra nourishment. Another thing I like to do in winter is to add a bowl of water to the room while the heater is on to ensure the air is not too drying. If you like, a humidifier is a great addition.

I is for the Great Indoors. We do tend to hibernate a bit more as the sun sets earlier and rises later. However, let’s not use that as an excuse to continually binge watch Netflix. (Not too bad sometimes!) Winter is a wonderful time to entertain friends and family with hearty meals and not feel too guilty for having that extra piece of pudding.

I love the Norwegian principle of Hygge where we cosy up with fireplaces, rugs, play board games or cards and of course do it in fabulous, stylish, Scandinavian surroundings.

N is for Nutrition and nourishment for the mind, body and soul. Learn something new. Start writing that novel or non-fiction book you’ve had on the backburner. Take up the French or Italian lessons and plan your next European getaway. Food for thought and good food for you with delicious vegetable soups, casseroles and curries. Can’t cook? Take this time in winter to learn.

Nourish yourself with extra pampering. A day at a spa or soak in a bath by candlelight. Spoil yourself or your partner with a massage. Treat yourself to a pedicure and manicure. Plenty of ways to pamper yourself and boost the feel-good endorphins.

E is for Energy. Don’t forget to exercise. We often don’t feel like getting up for the sunrise walks like we perhaps do in summer but it’s still important to keep up with regular exercise. Especially if we’ve taken in a few extra calories over winter. Find other activities that you like to do and incorporate some outdoor activity in your exercise plan.

Long bush walks, bike-riding, sight-seeing in your city, visiting galleries and gardens are ways to keep moving in winter. Being outdoors in nature is wonderful in winter and has the added benefit of an extra dose of vitamin D.

I hope these few tips keep you shining through the remainder of winter.

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Sue Currie is a speaker and the author of IMPRESSario, Present and Promote the Star Within You. She is passionate about helping business executives and entrepreneurial professionals elevate their personal brand, image and professional presence. Sue’s suite of services delivered through workshops, consulting, coaching and keynote presentations provides a multi-faceted approach to gain high transformation for her clients.

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