Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Five Ways to Share Your Value and Voice at Work

Five Ways to Share Your Value and Voice at Work

Personal branding, I like to say is personal public relations, more than just social media but the way you build relationships with your public whether that is as an entrepreneur, business owner or executive.

How do you create those all-important relationships to become more visible at work or in your network and be a voice that people listen to?

I have received several uplifting comments from people I have worked with recently.

Thank you, Sue. This has been really helpful. I appreciate the work you've done and your kind help and genuine encouragement along with the useful tools!

Thank you so much for your guidance, insight and counsel - it has been very valuable and is well received.

Many thanks for your time and advice, the frameworks were very helpful and I can see a clear path to building a better brand and supporting my long term goals - thank you.

It reminded me that sometimes we don’t realise the value we bring to our jobs and our work.

Often we’re reminded of when things go wrong – rather than hearing, “well done” from a boss or customer.

It is difficult yet perhaps important to be “seen” and acknowledged at work when many of you are working from home.

Sometimes you need to take matters into your own hands and demonstrate that you really do count and remind people of what you have to offer. How will you make a difference and communicate your value and build your profile in a professional way?

Try these five tips.

1. Get off your chair. Work the room (or office) and talk to others. We always have so much to do and busy, busy seems to be the mantra. And we’ve become used to not going out or to an office. Can you identify an opportunity to have at least one face-to-face conversation with someone during the day?

Call someone and see if they are going for coffee or lunch. Chat to a colleague in the lunchroom instead of spending your break on the iPhone. Ask people about their role – see if there is a way you can help or assist them. They will also gain more insight and understanding of what you do. Coffee conversations can lead to great connections.

2. Join in. Be a team player and take part in internal activities. It might mean turning up earlier than usual to join the yoga class or staying a bit later to find out the plan for the fundraising event.

Work doesn’t have to be all consuming, but it can also be more enjoyable if you are engaged in extracurricular activities that you enjoy and where you can connect with like-minded people. Join a network or association that interests you. There are wonderful networks out there and they are a great way to make friends, meet colleagues and share information. Communicate with people who potentially can benefit from your expertise. Plan your elevator speech or personal brand statement and get confident at communicating who you are and the value you bring to others.

3. Present wherever you can. Doing a board presentation for most employees is daunting. How would you feel if you were asked to present your latest project to your executive leadership team? No doubt nervous, unprepared and uncomfortable. Doesn’t have to be that way.

It is a vital career skill for employees or entrepreneurs. Learn to be a good presenter. Do a public speaking course and take every opportunity to speak in front of an audience. At first it might be just your team – or standing up and introducing yourself at a networking event. From there build up to a managers meeting or volunteer to chair an internal committee where you have to put forward your ideas. Progress from there to doing more formal presentations and learn to be a proficient presenter.

4. Write something. Content is everywhere and if you’re reading this far – thank you. It is hard to break through the noise. People are hungry for information though and what you do and have experience in will be of appeal to others.

Share your expertise online by writing blogs, LinkedIn posts, joining groups and commenting. Stay “on brand” with your topic and soon you will attract followers in your area of expertise. Once you have a body of work, you could share to your workplace internal newsletter or blog or submit articles to industry publications or be a guest on podcasts.

5. Win awards. This is one way to standout. Being good at what you do is still the essential criteria for work and business success. Great work is not enough if people don’t know about it. Most industries have awards – think hairdressing, technology, hotels, media, literature, sport, film, music, fashion, architecture…and the list goes on.

It does take time and effort to submit an award application and you may not win. It does though give you the chance to look at your work through fresh eyes. Having to answer questions and be succinct about why you should be a winner could just help you believe that you already are.

Need advice on how you can shine at work? Take a look at The Secret to Your Personal Brand Revolution.  Get Your Free eBook Now!

Sue Currie is an image entrepreneur who guides and empowers business leaders and entrepreneurs to have “Spotlight Confidence”. She is passionate about helping professionals elevate their personal and professional brand through her speaking, coaching and training programs on Self Brand, Style and Speaking Skills, providing a multi-faceted approach to gain high transformation for her clients.

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