Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Considered Online Presence Creates Meaningful Connections

Considered Online Presence Creates Meaningful Connections

You do business with people you know, like and trust. Right? And no doubt you understand that in a competitive business environment, the need to create positive impressions with customers and clients is essential.

With many of us working from home, maintaining or building relationships is mostly happening remotely. That “remoteness” does seem to be a barrier to really connecting, networking and building relationships. Have you noticed that?

Like you I’m meeting and communicating with clients and colleagues online. It is how a lot of work and business is done and it is not going away any time soon. Fortunately, the days of – please mute yourself! – have mostly disappeared. So how do you manage your online presence and image?

When I am running a seminar on Zoom, I do my best to be prepared and professional. I do notice sometimes though that part of the audience attending are just not “present”. They are switched off either by their camera, not really listening, turn up late or leave early.

Yes, it can happen in a room where an event is happening also. I get it. We can be distracted very easily. However, if your livelihood depends on building relationships and communicating with others, then here are a few tips to help you communicate a confident professional, online presence.

Presenter. If you are the host or presenter, set some guidelines. Not all will follow but when you send your meeting invitation, along with the details of time and topic, suggest people turn on their camera and turn off mic, unless you are wanting comments from them and come prepared to participate in breakout rooms if that is the case.

Preparation. Whether you are presenting or attending an on or offline meeting or event you would have your materials ready, conversation points, know and understand the technology being used and turn up ready to start on time.

Practise. I think by now most people have gone past the camera up your nose or sitting in the dark and have at least mastered the basics of being seen and heard on Zoom or alternatives. If not, get virtual savvy now as online communication is here to stay.

Presence. Has been described as displaying confidence, emotional intelligence (EQ) and authenticity. These traits don’t always come easily, however by working on your mindset, understanding body language, eye contact, good presentation and communication skills, you will display confidence and learn to let more of your natural style and personality come through.

Presentation. It should go without saying that you should look the part. “Camera ready” is for everyone. Even if you are only dressing from the waist up, make an effort. Shirt, blouse, top, jumper or jacket – the choice is yours. Tips to look your best include wearing something that fits well, is in a flattering colour that doesn’t drain you or make you look old in the bright light, hair neat and tidy so it doesn’t detract and (for women) flattering make up.

These attributes of building business relationships, effective communication and displaying a professional image are often seen as soft skills in relation to the more technical or practical skills required to do a job or run your business. However, displaying expertise in these behaviours will help you gain the polish that you, your customers and clients want and expect. You need to consider how others view you, both inside and outside of your business and what can be done to influence that view.

Having presence and making a positive online impression can be learnt. The upshot to you is your personal brand image will be seen in a more positive light and will help you build relationships and develop deeper connections.

Read about my 4 V's of communication in The Secret to Your Personal Brand Revolution.  Get Your Free eBook Now!

Sue Currie is an image entrepreneur who guides and empowers business leaders and entrepreneurs to have “Spotlight Confidence”. She is passionate about helping professionals elevate their personal and professional brand through her speaking, coaching and training programs on Self Brand, Style and Speaking Skills, providing a multi-faceted approach to gain high transformation for her clients.

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